Product Ratings & Reviews

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Ratings and reviews allow you, and other customers, to leave a review of any products you have purchased from B&Q. Leaving feedback about products you've purchased and used helps future customers to choose the right products for their homes and gardens.

You can find tips for leaving a great review on our Ratings and reviews page.

All reviews published on must comply with our guidelines. Check our terms and conditions for more details.


You can leave a review by searching for, or navigating to, the product on

Click on 'Write a review' to open a form to let other customers know what you think of this product. You can rate the product from 1 to 5 stars and share your thoughts, photos and videos in the 'Review' box.

Click 'Submit review' to request publication of your review.

Please note that for your review to be published on it must comply with our guidelines. Check our terms and conditions for more details.



It may take up to three days for your product review to appear on Your review will first be moderated by Bazaar Voice, an independent product review management company, to ensure that it is product relevant and meets our guidelines.

For your review to appear on it must comply with our guidelines. If your review doesn't meet these, we are unable to publish your review.

Check our terms and conditions page for more details.