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Swell Reptiles Premium Soft Chip Bedding 10 Litres

Swell Reptiles Premium Soft Chip Bedding 10 Litres

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Swell Reptiles Premium Soft Chip Bedding 10 Litres
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Swell Reptiles Premium Soft Chip Bedding 10 Litres

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Product information

    What is Swell Premium Soft Chip Reptile Bedding?

    Swell Premium Soft Chip Reptile Bedding is a versatile substrate for snakes, tortoises and lizards, such as Royal pythons. It is soft, woody and easy to clean, some have even been known to use it as cat litter. The substrate is similar to a standard aspen bedding and has many benefits in common, however, the wood chips are a little bigger and more irregular with an attractive pine colour.

    Which reptiles need soft chip reptile bedding?

    Soft Chip Reptile Bedding is a perfect substrate for Corn snakes, Milk snakes and King snakes as well as Blue-tongued skinks, Monitor lizards and many other exotic pets. It is a very good material for burrowing reptiles and can be mixed with play sand or similar to create a more stable burrowing substrate. The biggest benefits of the bedding are its softness and its looseness, which will ensure that no harm comes to soft-bellied reptiles as they move across it.

    Why use Swell Premium Soft Chip Reptile Bedding?

    This natural woody substrate is ideal for species that like to burrow and makes clearing up mess clean and easy. Like all our premium bedding, Soft Chip Reptile Bedding is fully compostable. In appearance, the Soft Chip Bedding is a cross between aspen and hemp and is cheaper than both. So if you're already using Hemp or Aspen you may find Soft Chip Reptile Bedding a better and more affordable alternative.

    • Guarantee - Statutory

    Features and benefits

    • Soft woody chip reptile bedding
    • Versatile substrate for Snakes, Tortoises and Lizards
    • Ideal for burrowing
    • Desert substrate for Corn snakes, Milk snakes, Blue tongued skinks and Monitor lizards


    Product code5055586903509