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5 home office ideas to boost productivity

By Ellie Reeves | 11th November 2022 | 6 min read

Tips for creating your own office at home

More and more of us are choosing to work and study from the comfort of our own homes. A dedicated office is key to staying focused and motivated. Whether you’re cracking on with your day job, starting a side hustle venture, or studying for your future. We’ll help you create a workspace that works for you.

Don’t have a spare room? No problem. You can use an unused corner or nook to design a small office space. From paint colours to tips on organising your desk, we’ve got plenty of office décor ideas for a productive set up. Keep on reading for home office inspiration.

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1. Paint your office blue for enhanced productivity

Blue is one of the best colours for a home office. Why, you ask? It has the power to both soothe and stimulate your mind. It can create a sense of balance, helping you to stay focused on the task at hand. Using blue in your office can promote tranquility and creativity, whilst reducing stress. Find your perfect shade from our selection of blue interior emulsion paint, from deep indigo to stunning sky blues. Want to bring this calming hue into more areas of the home? Check out our blue living room ideas and blue bedroom ideas for more inspiration.

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2. Use paint to frame your desk set up

Are you limited on space, but still want to create somewhere where you can put your head down and block out any distractions? Try framing your workspace with paint. Zoning your space with paint can create the illusion of a room within a room. Helping you to separate your home life from your busy work life. This is a brilliant solution if you’re living in a studio flat or open plan living space.

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3. Add houseplants for a creativity boost

Do you sometimes struggle to think of creative ideas whilst working? Plants can help with that. Yes, really! There are countless studies proving that having greenery in an office environment can help to increase levels of creativity. In fact, looking at nature (or even just images of nature) can shift your brain into a different processing mode – making you feel more relaxed and focused. Going by that theory, even an artificial plant or some photos of the sea or woods will do the job just as well! Read our article to find out more about biophilic design in the home.

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4. Use a room divider to create a work zone in your living space

Another fool proof way of zoning your space is with the use of a room divider. Our Alara modular room dividers are completely customisable. Choose from full height or half height, and add windows, shelves, or corkboards. Zoning your space will allow you to get on with important tasks and have virtual business meetings, without disturbing other household members or vice versa. This industrial black room divider keeps within the theme of this modern living room. By separating your workspace from your living space, you’ll be able to truly switch off after a long day and leave work at the desk, until the next day.

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5. Surround yourself with inspiring wall art

Yes, a home office should be functional, but it’s just as important that it’s aesthetically pleasing too. You want your office to be a place you enjoy being in and want to spend time in. Bring your home workspace to life by hanging up wall art or treasured photographs. Looking at beautiful vistas or art that we’re fond of boosts our mood, and when we’re happier we find it easier to concentrate and work to the best of our ability. It’s a no brainer!

6 desk organisation ideas

  • Only keep what you need on your desk. Try not to clutter your desk with items you’re not using every day. Do you really need a whole pen holder on your desk?
  • Put everything back in its rightful place at the end of the day. The last thing you want to do is start your busy workday with a messy desk. All you need to do is spend a few minutes clearing your desk at the end of the day.
  • Use a cable tidy unit to keep all your wires and extension leads hidden away so your desk is clear and tidy.
  • Put the items you use the most near your dominant hand. For example, if you’re always answering phone calls, keep your phone within easy reach.
  • Use a pegboard or corkboard to pin up important reminders, store stationery, headphones, and other everyday items.
  • Keep bulky items in storage. Keep large notebooks or other bigger items in drawers or on shelves for more desk space.