How to create a relaxing garden

Turn your outdoor space into an oasis

From work to looking after the kids, life can often be hectic meaning you need some well-deserved respite. Home should always be a place you can go to and escape the stresses of life - and this applies to your garden, too! 

Spending time outdoors has multiple physical and mental health benefits, so if you’re wondering how to turn your garden into a relaxing oasis look no further as this guide will help you transform your outdoor space into a multi-sensory haven.

relaxing lavender in gardenrelaxing lavender in gardenrelaxing lavender in gardenrelaxing lavender in garden

The act of gardening

Growing plants, flowers and vegetables not only makes your garden visually appealing, but the act of gardening itself can be a great hobby to relax. Despite what many may think, you can actually garden all year round, provided you do your research and focus on growing the specific plants that are best suited to that season. 

From the feeling of accomplishment, as you sit down to eat a jacket potato you’ve grown yourself to seeing flowers bloom that you’ve cultivated from being a seed, gardening is a great way to relax and enjoy your outdoor space. 

This labour of love can be a distraction from the pressures of daily life, as well as immersing yourself in nature and spending some much-needed time away from a screen!

gardening for relaxtiongardening for relaxtiongardening for relaxtiongardening for relaxtion

Outdoor plants to grow to help relaxation

We know that gardening can help us relax, but what should we grow to create a zen garden?

  • Lavender - not only is lavender a stunning purple that adds a pop of colour to your outdoor space, but the scent of lavender is a relaxant that can help calm you. 

  • Chamomile - widely used in tea, you can grow your own chamomile to drink and reap the calming benefits.

  • Air-purifying plants - there’s a wide range of outdoor plants that help to remove toxins and purify the air, from chrysanthemums and aloe vera to gerbera and conifers.

  • Herbs - basil, thyme and mint (amongst others) are some of the herbs that you can grow in your garden and then use for health benefits, whilst also saving yourself a few pennies from having to buy them in a supermarket!

growing herbs in a relaxing gardengrowing herbs in a relaxing gardengrowing herbs in a relaxing gardengrowing herbs in a relaxing garden

How to create a garden oasis with sound

Not only can your garden be visually and aromatically appealing but you can also use sound to create a space that is calming. There are a number of garden furniture and decor options you can purchase to make your garden zen.

  • Wind chimes - not only do metallic wind chimes reflect the light, creating stunning visuals, but the sounds can also be calming due to the vibrations.

  • Water features - the sound of trickling water can be relaxing for many and with a range of water features in various sizes, shapes and designs to choose from, you can create tranquil sounds with ease.

  • Attracting birds - from bird baths to houses, you can add a number of things to attract birds to your outdoor space and in turn, you may hear some melodic bird songs!

birds in relaxing gardenbirds in relaxing gardenbirds in relaxing gardenbirds in relaxing garden

Using colour to create a relaxing garden

The power of colour should never be underestimated and specific tones can help induce certain moods. From colourful garden furniture and plants to painting sheds and fences, you can add colour to your outdoor space with ease, but which colour palettes do what?

  • Warm tones - reds, browns and oranges are just a handful of warm colours you can incorporate into your garden. Warm tones in turn can create warm feelings, which are comforting.

  • Cool tones - blues, greens and purples are cool tones that can invoke calmness as they aren’t overly stimulating.

  • Bright colours - implementing bold colours in your garden can make you feel energised and passionate.

neutral colour scheme in relaxing gardenneutral colour scheme in relaxing gardenneutral colour scheme in relaxing gardenneutral colour scheme in relaxing garden

Outdoor lighting to create an ambience

Having lighting outdoors not only means you can utilise your garden for a longer period of time, but depending on the colours and types of lighting you choose you can also cultivate a zen garden.

Similar to the colour tones above, warm, cool and colourful outdoor lighting can help create different moods and ambience. String lights and lanterns in various shapes and patterns can add dimension to your outdoor space. Cool lighting can help relieve anxiety and create calmness, such as blue outdoor lights, whilst warmer lighting can make you feel energised. 

The best part about outdoor lighting? It also looks really pretty on an evening! 

relaxing garden lightingrelaxing garden lightingrelaxing garden lightingrelaxing garden lighting

A relaxing place to sit in your garden

So, you’ve been hard at work growing plants, the water features are trickling along and you’re surrounded by calming cool hues - now it’s time to sit back and relax!

Depending on your outdoor space and budget, there’s a variety of garden seating to choose from. Opt for a rattan sofa if you have a large decking area, that you can curl up on and admire your gardening prowess, or, go for a classic wooden bench with cushions to sit down and watch the wildlife. 

The best part about having your own outdoor space is that you can personalise it however you like. So, create a relaxing garden to your tastes - then sit back and enjoy.