
Right chevron

Animal & pet care

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Grooming & hygiene

Right chevron

Pet poo bags & scoops

Right chevron

Pet poo bags & scoops

Pet poo bags and scoops are essential for picking up your pet’s waste when outdoors. Pet poo scoops are also useful when cleaning pet litters and to remove solid pet waste from outdoor surfaces such as grass, pavement, and dirt. Pet poos bags are disposable and come in rolls or packs that can be carried easily in your pocket. Pet poo bags and scoops will make the process of cleaning up after a pet more hygienic and convenient.

Pet poo bags & scoops

Pet poo bags and scoops are essential for picking up your pet’s waste when outdoors. Pet poo scoops are also useful when cleaning pet litters and to remove solid pet waste from outdoor surfaces such as grass, pavement, and dirt. Pet poos bags are disposable and come in rolls or packs that can be carried easily in your pocket. Pet poo bags and scoops will make the process of cleaning up after a pet more hygienic and convenient.

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