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Liquid Shock 1011 Sodium Hypo with Additive 2 X 5 litre Chlorine 10L 10 litres pool swimming dose

Liquid Shock 1011 Sodium Hypo with Additive 2 X 5 litre Chlorine 10L 10 litres pool swimming dose

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Liquid Shock 1011 Sodium Hypo with Additive 2 X 5 litre Chlorine 10L 10 litres pool swimming dose

Liquid Shock 1011 Sodium Hypo with Additive 2 X 5 litre Chlorine 10L 10 litres pool swimming dose

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Product details

Product information

    For routine use in pool and spa water treatment


    \nEasy to use


    \nSuitable for direct dosing or for dosage using injection equipment.


    \nSodium hypochlorite (also commonly known as 'liquid chlorine') is a useful shock treatment for outdoor pools, and can be used as a pump dosed sanitiser on indoor and commercial pools


    \nMay be delivered in 5 Litre, 10 Litre or 20 Litre drums, please let us know if this isnt suitable.

    \nGuidance for using Sodium Hypochlorite – Pool Chlorine

    \nSodium Hypochlorite 10% is used for the routine control of bacteria and algae in swimming pools. For effective treatment ensure that the chlorine levels of the water are a level of 2-3mg/l (ppm). The levels must be maintained above 1.5mg/l (ppm) as a minimum. Once the chlorine has been applied the pH of the water must be adjusted to between 7.2 and 7.6 before use. We recommend these levels are routinely checked by using a pool water testing kit. When applying the Chlorine add at the point of best mixing, i.e. the water inlets and leave the filter running to ensure even distribution. All personal protective equipment must be used when handling this product.









    \nWater Capacity in Gallons

    \nWater Capacity in Cubic Metres

    \nRoutine Dose

    \nShock Dose












    \n1.63 ltr







      BrandBlue Horizons
      Pack quantity1
      Product length300mm
      Product weight5000g
      Product width300mm
      Product code5060228537608