
Right chevron

Animal & pet care

Right chevron

Hay balls & nets

Right chevron

Hay balls & nets

Hay balls and nets are designed to provide hay to animals, especially horses. They make feeding hay way more efficient and reduce waste. Hay balls are made from wire or plastic to hold the hay in a compact ball shape. The animal can easily pull hay from the balls in the ball. Hay nets are made of rope or mesh to hold hay in a compact bundle and the animal can pull hay from the holes in the net.

Hay balls & nets

Hay balls and nets are designed to provide hay to animals, especially horses. They make feeding hay way more efficient and reduce waste. Hay balls are made from wire or plastic to hold the hay in a compact ball shape. The animal can easily pull hay from the balls in the ball. Hay nets are made of rope or mesh to hold hay in a compact bundle and the animal can pull hay from the holes in the net.

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