A guide to improving the air quality in your home

How to improve indoor air quality at home

Having clean air is important for both our health and the planet. There are so many factors that can affect air quality - and many households have more polluted air than you think. So, how can you improve your air quality at home? Keep reading to find out!

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1. Why is air quality important?
2. Which product is right for my home?
3. The benefits of air purifiers
4. How much electricity does an air purifier use?
5. When should I use a dehumidifier?
6. Our top air treatment products

1. Why is air quality important?

The top line: good air quality is fundamental for our wellbeing. Why? Household air pollution is on the rise, and polluted air can adversely affect people's health. Things that we surround ourselves with every day, such as air fresheners, building materials, and wood-burning stoves, can all contribute to polluted air. This polluted air can cause respiratory issues and diseases, and is especially dangerous for vulnerable people. The bottom line: improving the air quality in your home can deliver substantial health benefits and reduce the risk of life-threatening health problems. 

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2. Which product is right for my home?

There are a number of products on the market that can help improve the air quality in your home, from air quality monitors and purifiers to dehumidifiers and humidifiers. Check out our handy table below to find out which product is right for your home.

Air quality monitors Useful for: continuous analysis of your air quality and to see a summary of your problem areas. Perfect for those wanting to keep on top of the air quality at home.
Purifiers Useful for: removing impurities and odours from the air by taking polluted air from around the room and cleaning it via internal filters before releasing clean air back into your home. Perfect for those with allergies and pets.
Dehumidifiers Useful for: preventing mould, condensation, and damp by removing excessive moisture from the air. Perfect for those wanting to dry out laundry indoors.
Humidifiers Useful for: adding moisture into the air to prevent dryness that can cause irritation. Perfect for those living in dry homes.
Diffusers Useful for: those wanting to fill their home with fragrance and add moisture into the air. Simply add water and a few drops of essential oils to add fragrance and a sense of calm to your home.

3. The benefits of an air purifier

Air purifiers do exactly what they say on the tin: they purify the air in your home. Many homeowners believe that if they have a clean home, they'll also have clean air. This is a common misconception. Cleaning surfaces and hard to reach areas, such as under dusty cabinets, will improve the air quality in your home slightly, but only an air purifier will properly cleanse the air.

Having clean air in your home will:

  • Help alleviate allergies, such as dust or pet allergies
  • Neutralise unpleasant odours, such as pet smells
  • Eliminate harmful chemicals, such as floor cleaners
  • Relieves symptoms of respiratory diseases, such as asthma
  • Reduces the amount of airborne disease particles in the air
air purifierair purifierair purifierair purifier

4. How much electricity does an air purifier use?

Many people choose not to invest in air purifiers for their home as they believe they're expensive to run. The average running cost of an air purifier is around 8-32p per day. That means if you have an air purifier running all day long, all year round, you'll be using around £100 worth of energy per year. However, air purifiers can be extremely energy and cost effective if run properly. So, how do you reduce the cost of running an air purifier?

Power off when not needed - one of the easiest ways to reduce the cost of your air purifier is to turn it off when you're not using it. For example, if you're at work in the office all day, only switch your air purifier on when you get home. 

Use lower speeds - most modern air purifiers come with several speed settings. We recommend running your purifier at a lower speed to reduce energy consumption, and only turning it onto a high speed when air quality is very low.

Use night mode - many air purifiers come with a night mode setting. This setting keeps the purifier running at a very low speed to cut down on energy usage. If your air purifier doesn't come with night mode, make sure you turn it to its lowest speed before bed.

Choose the right purifier for your space - air purifiers come in different sizes to cater for different sized rooms. Choosing a smaller purifier for a smaller room will use less energy and money than one designed for a larger room.


5. When should I use a dehumidifier?

A dehumidifier should be used when there is too much humidity in the air. This can happen when excess water begins to evaporate into the air, for example when there has been flooding or if your home has a damp issue. Here are our top signs to look out for:

  • Water stains - these stains could be a sign that your house has flooded
  • Soft wood - wood that is soft to the touch means it has rotted from damp
  • Condensation - if your windows have condensation you may be suffering from damp
  • Mould and mildew - another sign you have a damp problem in your home
  • Musty smells - these smells often signal the air is too humid from damp

6. Our top air treatment products

From dehumidifiers to air purifiers, check out our top products to improve the air quality in your home.